Newcastle disease in a chicken farm | Peasant agriculture


Newcastle disease was discovered on a farm of 5,000 laying hens in Västra Götaland.

Newcastle disease was discovered on a farm in the municipality of Mölndal. It shows the test results of the Swedish Veterinary Office, SVA. The Swedish Agricultural Agency has about 5,000 laying hens on the farm.

Dizziness via pigeons

The disease is transmitted through direct contact between birds, and some types of viruses are associated with manure fever. During the autumn, we found just a duck parasite in Varberg and other reports of dead pigeons came from Halland and Västra Götaland.

Read more: Dovepest in pigeons at Varberg

– Our analyzes show that the virus at the origin of Newcastle disease in a crew of laying hens in Mölndal is linked to viruses generally associated with the eruption of duck parasites in wild pigeons. This suggests that the infection has spread to laying hens through direct or indirect contact with pigeons, "said Karl Ståhl, assistant psychologist at the State Veterinary Office.

Avoid contacts

In order to avoid spreading the infection, the Swedish Agricultural Agency has introduced restrictions in the region.

– The avian influenza virus and the virus causing Newcastle disease circulate regularly in wild birds. Therefore, in order to avoid contagious contamination of domestic birds, it is always important to avoid direct and indirect contact between domestic birds and wild birds, "said Karin Åhl, infectious agent of the Swedish Agency for Agriculture.

Restrictions and protection

As a result, there is now an access ban with special restrictions on exploitation, which means that no animal or animal product can go out or enter the farm. ; operating. All animals will be killed and the farm will be cleaned. The protection zone extends over a radius of three kilometers around the farm and a surveillance zone of 10 kilometers.

Read more: Surveillance zone after the elimination of Newcastle disease in Skåne

In order to determine the origin of the infection and determine if it has spread, the Swedish Agricultural Agency has launched a contagion investigation.

Facts: Newcastle disease

The symptoms can vary a lot, the signs of illness can be:

· Highly reduced egg production

· Eggs without mustard (so-called eggs or skins)

· Egg shells with change of pigment.

· Reduced public status

· Increased mortality

· Hanging wings, paralyzed legs, torsion of the neck, cramps, circular veins (symptoms of the central nervous system)

· Difficulty breathing with or without cough

· Diarrhea

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