NEWS: Facebook lobbyists have misled the crisis – News


Russian Influences and false news, data leakage of millions of users and inability to handle the spread of hate messages. In recent years, Facebook's challenge has "delayed, denied and hijacked," according to a detailed report by The New York Times.

"Warning signs ignored"

When founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, said it was foolish to believe that Facebook had been used to help Donald Trump win the presidential election, Facebook's own experts had eliminated and collected evidence of it. Such activity for more than a year, according to the newspaper data.

According to reports, Zuckerberg and Operations Manager Cheryl Sandberg "ignored the warning signs and then tried to hide them from the public".

Facebook's board of directors was only informed of this later and when the company acknowledged the problems, Mark Zuckerberg was forced to make a public apology and be questioned by the Senate American. At the same time, Cheryl Sandberg went on the offensive to save the reputation of the company.

Focus on competitors

A public relations company has been hired to broadcast negative news about Facebook's criticism and elements likely to put competitors like Google and Apple in a bad spot.

In July of this year, when a Facebook official witnessed the US Congress, protesters came into the room and waved a sign with a pattern depicting the heads of Zuckerberg and Sandberg on an octopus whose tentacles were been destroyed around a globe. Zuckerberg and Sandberg are both Jewish and Facebook reacted by taking on a large Jewish rights organization, which briefly condemned the attack as anti-Semitic, writes the New York Times.

Another lobbyist company, associated with the US Republican Party, was hired to discredit activists who criticized Facebook, including linking them to liberal billionaire and philanthropist George Soros – a common political dashboard for the extreme right, not rarely anti-Semitic sign .

River contract

Facebook belies the New York Times data and states that it's not okay to defend yourself in all the warnings. At the same time, however, it is announced that the contract is terminated with the Republican-controlled public relations firm mentioned.

"We have publicly acknowledged several times – even before the congress – that we were too slow to detect the Russian influence on Facebook, as well as for any other malicious use," writes the company in a statement claiming that since the The presidential election had invested a lot to access problems like these.

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