Nilla's protest against Coop's claims – must acquire a bank identity card


Recently, holders of Medmera Coops received a letter with different questions.

According to Coop, the context is an adjustment to the law on money laundering. Among other things, the law states that the bank should be able to report how customers use their debit cards and where they receive their income.

"To ensure that you have sufficient knowledge of the client and thus be able to counter money laundering and terrorist financing", Coop writes in the letter

"Belongs to another generation"

Answer questions, you must log in with the ID of the bank. Otherwise, you risk getting rid of the Medmera service.

Many people have responded to this. In part because people think that questions about the personal economy are intrusive, partly because there are still a lot of them, especially older people who do not have access to a bank identity card.

Lena Thynell writes on Coops Facebook page that her old parents are desperate. They get their home delivery at Coop via a home service but do not have a computer or smartphone. Even smaller digital identity card

"My parents never had and will never have a credit card, they belong to another generation!" She rages on Facebook.

At the Express says Lena Thynell:

– What worries me is that the old and the fragile in our society are treated this way. If you do not have new technology, there are no options.

Another client writing on Facebook:

"Receives a letter from Coop, stating that anyone who does not have a bank card must obtain one or terminate his accounts and join Coop. World does not have or can not have a bank ID. If you are not a Coop customer? " posts / 10156487210973454

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Many seniors fear that bank identification requirements are everywhere – Not only at Coop

Nilla Boman, 75, in Bromma, tells her that she is stressed.

– I tried to get a bank card in my old computer, but I can not take care of it. It makes me uncomfortable and makes me uncomfortable.

Nilla was a member of Coop, or Consum as it was called during her lifetime. The payment card uses it by depositing money into an account, then it is the security box of the common bank

Coop: Must comply with the law

– Is it difficult to send me these questions? can answer it. I do not think there is a law that says you must have a bank identity card, "said Nilla Boman.

She thinks Coop may lose a lot of her older clients now

– I've talked to a lot of other seniors and they do not have a computer or a smartphone, and then you do not have to be there anymore. It is possible to treat people like this

At Coop Sweden, you confirm that all Medmera customers must answer questions, otherwise you will be able to get rid of the debit card, but Coop's membership remains.

But not everyone has access to the bank identifier Should not it be possible to solve this because many are old loyal customers of Coop? [19659002] – We do not have the same resources as the big banks to develop our own systems, but we have we chose to rely on banks … ID. We regret that some customers find this difficult and we have certainly received feedback. But that is the law that requires that, "says Tobias Rydergren, Coop Sweden's press officer.


There is a Great Digital Exclusion

At the National Association of Retirees Pro, attention was drawn to Coop's senior criticism

Tobias Rydergren, press officer and spokesperson for Coop Sweden. "We had a conversation about this and we believe that There has been a large number of customers who do not use bank ID, "says Ola Nilsson, Pro's consumer expert.

Digital exclusion is today # 39; Great, Pro notes. Among Swedes over 75, 40% have not entered the digital world.

– You need to have motivation and money for the devices. , you do not get along, therefore, Ola Nilsson believes that there must be alternatives for those who can not do their payments on the internet.

"Did not have problems"

"We do not have a clean bank, so we did not have any problems, and at Willys and Hemköp we have a map bonus associated with a common bank card, says Claes Salomonsson, press manager at Axfood

Ica offers its customers to log in and update the information with a bank ID or password Catharina De Geer, Attaché de press at Ica Gruppen AB

Money Laundering Act

The new money laundering law is based on EU rules that even go as far as to fight money laundering. against money laundering and the financing of terrorism., which came into effect on August 1, 2017, clarifies the requirements for the knowledge of the client.

In addition, on May 1 of this year introduces a new payment service team According to the Ministry of Finance, it aims to "developing the electronic payment market and creating better conditions for secure and efficient payment r."

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