No high interest rate despite the goal of inflation achieved


million. Stefan Ingves said at the July 2 monetary policy meeting, according to the protocol

He pointed out that Sweden is now experiencing better growth, lower unemployment and a higher inflation rate. high in the EMU. In this context, if this development continues, it is reasonable to assume that Sweden should have a rate of interest slightly higher than that of EMU.

"At the same time, our goal achievement is shameful, and in this context, the normalization of monetary policy will require great caution," he said.

Stefan Ingves said that the inflation rate is around 2%, but that inflationary pressures are moderate. The moderate trend in wages, especially in terms of resource utilization, contributes to the same assessment.

"Changing monetary policy in a less expansionary direction is associated with risk and can have an impact in terms of inflation. According to him, the environmental risks are also down, "he added.

He adds that an important factor for the long-term development of Swedish inflation is the inflationary pressure in He stressed that the Riksbank's forecast was based on the assumption that a continued expansionary monetary policy in the rest of the world would lead to ever-increasing international inflationary pressures.

"However, there is uncertainty associated with this assessment, as inflation is still low in many countries despite the strong economic climate," he said.

He pointed out that even the crown is a important factor of inflation.

"Given the low inflationary pressures, I believe that an excessive reinforcement in the future could make it more difficult to stabilize inflation around 2 %, "said Stefan I 19659002]

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