No tablecloth when a new CEO takes over in the QA group


Claes Mellgren fails to crown his long career at the head of the AQ Group engineering group with a report that convinces him that the company continues to post good growth of 13.6% in second quarter of which 2.3% organic. "However, I would have preferred to deliver my final report with a better profit margin and better cash flow: the profit margin was 4.5% and the cash flow was low due to growth and incorporation.

It points to a number of issues, including both AQ Welded Structures and AQ Thailand, both of which are in the process of being resolved, and another company with delivery and profitability issues. margin was 7%, but lower than the Group's target of 8%.

In other words, the AQ Group is in line with the product quality goal, significantly lower in terms of security of deliveries, however, the capital ratio is good at 54% and up to 61% at the end of the second quarter, well above the target ( > 40%).

Although net debt is rising sharply, remains the end of June and the financial situation is the basis for further expansion of the acquired company

The word of the CEO is a long list of problems that AQ Group is facing and reports that it is n & # 39; There is no tablecloth that Claes Mellgren leaves to his successor, Anders Carlsson recruited from ABB. Claes Mellgren however emphasizes that there are also several light bulbs:

"After the period, we decided to invest in a new 3D laser at Lyrestad in Sweden to increase our competitiveness in the production of prototypes." Bulgaria, Mexico, some Swedish units and soon in Poland For example, the medical technology sector is developing and developing very well, while the activities of inductive components in India are developing so strongly that they have been integrated into a separate company to get

The announcement of the departure of the founder and grand owner Claes Mellgren is announced as part of the 2017 financial statements, as it was also clear that the president, Per Olof Andersson, as well as the founder and the main owner, had handed over the barrel. He remains a member of the office where Claes Mellgren also enters. The change of CEO takes place on September 1st.

The message created some disorder in the market, which significantly reduced the price of exercise in February. The semi-annual report caused further price pressures and market share declined by more than 10% after one hour of trading.

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