No to conversion and resale


Build apartments in which people can afford to live

The tenant association protects social housing corporations. Photo: archive image

We welcome the new government of the municipality that was put in place after the elections and wish to take care to give you good advice on the way forward to build a sustainable city for all.

• Eliminate the housing shortage

Build reasonable rents with reasonable rents. Define requirements for land tenure indications that a number of dwellings should be rented with lower rents. Take advantage of state investment aids and use the industrial manufacturing typing mistakes already available on the market to get the low-cost rental rights Västerås so badly needs.

Take advantage of state investment aids and use the industrial manufacturing typing mistakes already available on the market to get the low-cost rental rights Västerås so badly needs.

• Renovate wisely

Everyone can afford to stay after the renovation. Being forced to leave your home because you can not pay rent and being forced to leave social relations and security is of course a blow to the tenants concerned.

But this also has societal consequences, such as increased segregation, gentrification and even worse confinement. We know that if the rent is increased by 50% after the renovation, one in three households may have to move. Even at a low rate of five percent, more than ten tenants can hardly manage the new rent.

We know that you, as a politician, can not influence the way private property owners do their renovations. But as the owner of the public service, you can become an example by giving tenants a real influence on what will happen to their homes. Of course, several levels of renovation will be proposed for which the lowest option is not to increase the rent at all.

Of course, several levels of renovation will be proposed for which the lowest option is not to increase the rent at all.

• No for conversion

Take charge of the public service and not say repatriation and resale. The housing shortage in Västerås requires more rental rights. But with each conversion, the number of rented apartments and those with low incomes and can not get loans will be forced to become tenants at their neighbors. Others are in debt even if they do not really want or have no financial margin.

Municipal businesses should offer their tenants an influence on their housing. However, no equivalent warranties are available with private landlords, which means that renters may have far fewer opportunities to influence when their home has been sold to a private host.

In addition, a long line shows Surveys show that tenants in the public sector are generally more satisfied than those who live privately and are generally offered superior management.

So do not transform and do not sell. Instead, you should be both happy and proud to have a social housing corporation.

So do not transform and do not sell. Instead, you should be both happy and proud to have a social housing corporation.

We hope of course that in the next four years, you want to apply an advantageous policy to the tenants of today and tomorrow.

We invite you to continue discussions on housing problems in Västerås.

Johan Pelling

Regional Director, Tenants Association, Aros-Gävle Region

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