Now you have to pay before thinking – Enköping


When you go in to pay, you tell staff what pump and what fuel it contains. Then you say how much you have to think or how many liters to fill the car, until you pay before you can go out and start thinking.

– There were mixed reactions among customers. We are breaking a system of habit and for some it is a little hard. But when we explain why we started with this, the customers are very understanding, "says Lydia Karlsson.

The reason for advance payment is to stop mites, which often happens according to Lydia Karlsson on Circle K.

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"Now you will not be not able to think badly when we have to know in advance what fuel the customer has in advance, "says Lydia Karlsson.

– This varies in our opinion, but at least a few times a week, she says [19659004] Emelie Tingström, 58, in her car, likes to pay for mackerel but does not like to pay in advance.

– When you are a person who is in charge worry, this method of payment is a little accusing, she says.

Do you understand why you do this?

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"En more than s & # To bother that people are not well, infections mean a lot of extra work for us, "says Emelie Norberg

– Absolutely, I understand perfectly. But overall, I think it's sad that it's even necessary, says Emelie Tingström.

Even on OKQ8 in Enköping, one is about to introduce prepayment, even if you allow customers to refuel before paying later. 19659004] – We have many infections and we want to stop them, so in the future we will have an advance payment, says Emelie Norberg, who works there.

– On average, there are some infections a week, but we have seen that they increase during the summer and at Christmas, continues Emelie Norberg.

From July 2017 to July 2018, 243 oil missions were reported to Enköping. 136 of them since 2018.

– This is a fairly common crime. From a legal point of view, it is perceived as extenuating circumstances that the mackerel gas can refuel before paying. Legally, you can see as a conscience for the customer to get a credit, "Louis Roswall explains to the Enköping police.

– It will be a so-called crime of rupture. Crimes can be terrible from ethical and moral approaches, but not as purely legal, he continues.

There are few bombings against gasoline bombs, but they do everything to catch infections

rolling in these cases when criminals can quickly disappear. Cars in these crimes are very interesting to us, those who drive them most often have committed other crimes, "explains Louis Roswall

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