Omega 3 is ineffective, say researchers


Photo: Jonas Ekströmer / TT

Nutritional supplement, is it necessary or not? A woman with a box containing omega 3 capsules.

Omega 3 has long been recommended as a dietary supplement that protects against heart disease. However, a new report suggests that this is not correct.
According to the report, omega 3 supplements have no significant effects on heart health.

The Cochrane Independent Research Network Behind These New Discoveries

found that some preparations claimed to have good effects are ineffective. This seems to be the case with the Omega 3 nutritional supplement.

Omega 3 is a type of fatty acids found in certain types of foods, such as nuts and oily fish. Small amounts are important for our health – for example, by lowering blood pressure – and it has therefore been hypothesized that an increased consumption of fatty acids could improve the health of the heart.

But this may not be the case. In the review, the researchers examined 79 studies where health effects were studied. A total of 112,059 people are included in the studies.

Results: Nutritional supplements in the form of omega 3 do not produce any noticeable effect on health. They do not reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. The risk of death is almost exactly the same as in humans without food supplements.

The researchers conclude that it is basically meaningless with omega 3 supplements.

"The review is proof that omega 3 supplements do not improve the Lee Hooper, research director at the University of East Anglia, UK, according to a press release