Östergötland rental prices rise – News – Corren.se


Between April and July of this year, 709 villas were sold to Östergötland. These were sold for an average value of SEK 2 696 000. This means a 3.6% price increase over the first three months of the year. However, compared to the same period a year ago, prices fell by 1.8 percent in total

In the two largest municipalities in the county, it was not sold to the company. The most villas are unannounced, but the prices differ. In Norrköping, house prices fell by 5.4% in the last quarter, compared to the same period last year, when an average villa was sold for SEK 3 073 000. In Linköping, however, prices rose by 1.5% compared to last year, with an average price of SEK 3,720,000, the highest price in the county. The most expensive villas have been in Outer where the 29 houses sold since last year cost an average of 927,000 crowns

Prices for housing rights have been almost the same as before, with a decrease of 0.1%. Most prices in Norrköping have come down, the average price of one square meter of housing rights over the last three months rising to 24,271 SEK, a decrease of 6.8 compared to the same period last year. A little north of Finspång, however, prices rose by 7.6%, with an average price of 8,287 crowns per square meter. In Linköping, the price per square meter was SKK 32,722, a decrease of 2.5%. The highest increase of all Mjölby shows with an increase of 8.7 percent, average price: SEK 14,930 per square meter.

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