Otis had problems with his escalators earlier


A year-old escalator suddenly starting to retreat at high speed, with at least one person injured as a result, and the two largest commuter stations in Stockholm were forced to close

. Is not the first time the provider arrives. Last year, 18 people were injured in Hong Kong.

SL knows the previous problems with Otis escalators. This is also the case of the Swedish Transport Administration.

– But we found out after our procurement, "says Aleksander Krajisnik, president of the SL Traffic Administration.

Monday morning earlier this week, an escalator abruptly passed in Stockholm City, then began to "shine" back at high speed. About twenty people were in the escalator, several fell and one person was slightly injured.

1 of 5 | After Stockholm County Traffic, SL could not guarantee the safety of its travelers, after the conversation with the Swedish Transport Authority, they decided to turn off the suburban train stations in Stockholm and Odenplan in the night from Friday to Friday.

The escalator provider, Otis, will now check the 71 escalators with SL before the stations can be re-opened.

Similar Incident Last Year

Otis has already been in a blue time – for a similar incident.

In March 2017, a 45-meter-long escalator in a Hong Kong shopping mall sank back at high speed. 120 people were standing in the escalator, and many fell one on the other. 18 people were injured, three were hospitalized and one man sewed 21 stitches in his head, writes South China Morning Post.

Otis was fined approximately 390,000 SEK for this incident. According to the court, the company was able to detect security issues several months before the disruption would occur if it had properly monitored.

2015 A 13-year-old boy died and 30 people were injured following a similar incident in a Beijing subway. The escalators started to retreat even then.

"Know that there was a problem"

SL knows this event.

– We know that there have been problems with escalators in Hong Kong, but we can not comment on individual cases, says Aleksander Krajisnik, president of the SL Traffic Administration. , and continues:

– "With regard to the manner in which they acted when they became aware of these tasks, SL refers instead to the Swedish Transport Administration.

" Pär Gustavsson, acting press officer at the Swedish Transport Administration, says that the acquisition of escalators took place several years ago, "says Alexander Krajisnik.

– The Acquisition escalators took place a few years before the accident in Hong Kong Pär Gustafsson says that the Swedish Transport Authority has given up the entire factory to the traffic direction and to SL it A little over a year ago

– We built it, but now they manage and manage it. They have taken over all service contracts and guarantees.

The Swedish Transport Authority did not know the problems of Oti in Hong Kong before the contract.

– What you are talking about seems to have happened after we handed over the facility to SL

So when SL says it's on your table – is not- this not?

– I do not know Then I have to talk to the presidential person you spoke to and explain it

– What it was originally about, is Otis must explain what happened. Is it one or all of the 71 escalators that have this problem? Aftonbladet tried to reach Otis during the day but no answer.

The three titles of today Friday, July 13 00:29

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