Personal information was disclosed through a bank identification – Linkoping News


The home address, annual income and other data were transferred from the Swedish Tax Agency to Telenor's Identitrade provider and Identiway program. As of mid-May, the company had access to 140,000 Swedish personal data, after logging in via Skatteverket with its e-ID.

– This type of uncontrolled private connection via private sites is not allowed and we warn of it, "says Pär Rylander, director of security of the Swedish Tax Agency, at Computersweden.

The leak was discovered in early June. is now fixed.

– We took immediate action. Pär Rylander

The Swedish Tax Agency also reported the event to the Data Inspection, to the National Agency of Posts and Telecommunications and to the Civil Protection Agency and Emergency

. Telenor apologizes to his website:

"Sorry, please note that more information than your social security number has been temporarily collected at the time of the. identification.C & # 39; is an error on our part, that we apologize.All personal data recovered have been deleted, no personal data has been disclosed outside of Telenor or Identiway and you do not run no risk. "

To learn more about Telenor's explanation, click here.

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