Pleasant Ljungberg Atrium Report |


Atrium Ljungberg received two landmarks in the city of Stockholm during the period, as Annica Ånäs, CEO of the company, wants to put the spades.

– I am proud that in the first half of the year we have received two monuments in the city of Stockholm. The first concerns Mälarterassen in the emerging Slussen. The other concerns a new and very important district of East Hagastaden in Stockholm, says Annica Ånäs, CEO of Atrium Ljungberg



Net sales increased 3% to SEK 1.3 billion (1.26). However, rental income remains unchanged at $ 1.2 billion




Earnings for the period increased by 5% and now stands at 1.7 million crowns. The company has invested in its own property for 775 million Swedish kronor (749). The operating surplus of real estate management increased by 1%. The increase is mainly attributable to new housing, including project leases, renegotiations, lower real estate costs and the impact of acquired properties. The operating surplus of the previous year was affected by the settlement of a rent dispute of 40 million Swedish kroner.

Property Inventory

Atrium Ljungberg currently has a real estate portfolio of 53 properties located in the major cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Uppsala. The real estate portfolio has a value of 42 billion Swedish kronor.

During the period, Atrium Ljungberg purchased the Kylfacket 3 property in Stockholm for 167 million Swedish kronor by selling 127 million kroner for the property of the Uppsala City Hall. .

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