Police warning in the heat: Beware of hay hunts


The extreme heat that seems never to exhaust has consequences in many parts of the country. Wildfires, drought, bad for animal food and people who feel bad in the heat.

And there are those who benefit from the situation.

Now the police are warning against a new type of fraudster. Fraudsters advertise on Facebook, or respond to other commercials, claiming that they can sell hay which is now a shortage. Then they charge in advance.

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The problem was discovered in Skåne. The Northwest Police of Scania writes on Facebook:

"As you know, the Swedish summer has been hitherto extremely dry, which unfortunately caused great concern to Pet Owners and Their Access Among other things, social media feeds currently include a large number of messages from individuals / companies selling hay and silage at different prices.

But the fraud does not stop in southern Sweden.

Police National Police (NBC) officers write on Facebook that the alert applies to the police. The government has received reports in several different police areas and calls on everyone to pay attention to hawking.

– We can not say how many reported this, but we received indications from several regions is spread on the kingdom ", declared Jan Olsson, Chief of NBC.

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Fraud Expert: "Looking for Right" [19659007] According to the police, creates a situation "very favorable" "Desperation, urgency and the will to resolve the situation urgently can prevent you, as the owner of a pet, from control with whom you are dealing " wrote the police in a statement. Northwest Scania

– This is typical of these scammers. They sit right and wait for an opportunity where they see that there is now a good chance that their deception can deceive people. Here you have calculated that it is dry, there is no hay, you can make money here, says Jan Olsson.

He continues:

– It is the same for apartments before school or cheap cars. and caravans for sale. But here they also use the fact that there is no hay, so that is enough. It's too bad.

The police council is never to pay for anything in advance.

– You should not pay for an advance that you have not seen, one must be sure that person is responsible to be and have what he claims to have and use secure payment methods.


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