Poor closing on New York stock exchanges after half a day


Wall Street's major stock markets fall back after a positive start to the year on Tuesday and end weakly. The New York Stock Exchange closed at 7:00 pm local time, when National Day is celebrated on Wednesday, July 4th.

The Dow Jones Industrial Index closed down 0.5% at the level of 24.175. The S & P 500 index fell 0.5% to 2,713 while the Nasdaq-oriented technology grew from 0.9 to 7.503.

Sector: Telecom grew 1.2% while IT fell 1.4%. get up earlier in the day. Expectations of a higher supply of Saudi Arabia and Russia were behind the decline. WTI oil and North Sea oil ended the day at unchanged levels.

As for businesses, the Sears store, which also runs the low-priced Kmart chain, has released a list indicating that a total of 78 Sears and Kmart stores will close in September. Walmart has announced plans to establish 30-40 more stores over the next five years in the Chinese city of Chengdu. Tesla dropped by 7.2% in the way that analysts believe that the electric car maker may have trouble reaching the production target for Model 3. In addition, a report shows that the Tesla engineers have failed to undergo brest, Bloomberg News wrote.

Facebook was weakly developed when the US State announced that the investigation into the scandal of data arising from the disclosure of Cambridge Analytica would be expanded and would involve more of the same. governmental organizations. The Nike title, which fell 1.7 % Monday since Roger Federer, 20-year-old Grand Slam winner, finished his cooperation with the company, continued Tuesday with 2.6%. On the macroeconomic front, the IMF found in a report that the short-term US economic outlook indicates strong growth and job creation. But despite the good prospects in the short term, a number of weaknesses are being built.

"The expected expansion of the federal deficit could, at this stage of the business cycle, lead to inflation rising faster than expected. This would be accompanied by a faster rise. interest rates, which could increase market volatility both in the United States and abroad, "the IMF wrote.

The interest rate on 10-year US government bonds was down 4 points to 2.83%.

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