Predatory rain on Vellinge – named for the New Year's company of the year



Predatory rain on Vellinge – named for the New Year's company of the year

This is the week when the awards salute Vellinge. The next day, after the appointment of the municipality to the school of the year, the next prize – Vellinge will also be the business of the newcomers of the year.

Carina Wutzler (M), Vellinge City Council President, received the award Friday in Stockholm.picture: Municipality of Vellinge

In total, nine municipalities were nominated for the award based on the proportion of newly registered businesses per thousand inhabitants over the last 18 months. The jury has since felt that Vellinge has done the best job possible to strengthen the local business environment for both old and new entrepreneurs.

Among other things, Vellinge's business network, the development of digitization and electronic services, and the adaptation of newcomers to businesses and new jobs are being lifted.

In the motivation, the jury writes: "In Vellinge, we know that a thriving business is one of the pillars of common welfare, so the municipality seems like more residents will choose life as" 39; entrepreneurs ".

"I am very proud of the number of entrepreneurs in the municipality of Vellinge, and a new entrepreneur is a prerequisite for continued prosperity and development," said Carina Wutzler (M), City Council Chair.

In addition to this honor, the prize is also worth hundreds of thousands of crowns, which will be distributed to local initiatives or organizations over three years. Visma Spcs and New EntrepreneurCenter are behind the price.


Other nominees:

• Helsingborg.

• Nykvarn.

• Strängnäs.

• Härjedalen.

• gold points.

• Ystad.

• Nordanstig.

• Piteå.

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