Prime Minister: "Respect the ban on fire" | Aftonbladet


The fire situation in the country is still extremely serious and the risk of new fires is high.

At the same time, several incendiary resources borrowed from other European countries are found in other countries.

At today's press conference, the Prime Minister has called on the Swedish people to respect the fire ban:

– It's a spark, c & rsquo; Is too late. Such great values ​​are at stake.

Today, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Justice and Home Affairs Minister Morgan Johansson have organized a press conference.

The government noted during a meeting that the situation is still serious and that the risk of new fires is high.

Löfven now addresses the Swedish people and asks everyone to respect the ban on fire.

– Listen to the rules that apply. This is so necessary when it is so dry in the woods and fields. It can be a spark, it's too late. These are so great values ​​that are at stake, it puts the whole community in such an effort. Imagine – do not cook, says Aftonbladet's prime minister.

In addition, Löfven and Morgan Johansson announced that the government has now decided that MSB should have more opportunities to replace municipalities affected by the costs of fires.

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Prime Minister Stefan Löfven called on people to stop grilling at a press conference with Justice and Home Affairs Minister Morgan Johansson.

Can cost 300 million

The preliminary assessment claims that it can be about 300 million Swedish kroner for municipal emergency services.

Due to other serious fires throughout Europe and especially Greece, some of the international resources that Sweden must previously have been able to transfer to other countries. Therefore, MSB has now obtained permission to seek international assistance from countries not included in EU civil protection cooperation.

– First of all, we must prepare for a certain distribution elsewhere in Europe. This is why the government is gaining momentum and ensuring that MSB can count on help from Partnership for Peace member countries. We make sure we have resources, because this work can take a lot of time and new fires can also occur, "explains Stefan Löfven.

"It can last a long time"

Previously, the government did not want to help outside the EU, why are you doing now?

– The help included in the EU Civil Protection is the that we can quickly reach, it is the one that gives the fastest help and we have the same standard. We have plans that can descend quickly and collect water, not planes that need to land and be watered. It is the authority that decides the necessary help. What we are doing now is that we are gaining height because it can be long term, we can have new fires, and we will ensure that more countries can contribute.

Which countries can you think of using?

– The countries we know have already heard of Turkey and Ukraine, for example. They are part of the Partnership for Peace.

Kristersson: "The next step is complete membership in Natomal"

The countries included in the Partnership for Peace are NATO member states and partner countries. NATO. The release of Stefan Löfven is greeted by the opposition leader Ulf Kristersson (M)

– I think it's good that we receive help from the outside, but in the long run, we must also strengthen our own capacity. According to Ulf Kristersson, helping Natoländer is a good thing.

– We are working closely with NATO and we think it is natural, the next step being for Sweden to become a full member of NATO.

The Lion: "The bombs of the JAS"

The fires tormented Sweden for more than a week and even before she became the most serious, she burned in several directions. As the fires were extremely difficult, several unconventional methods were tested – such as when the armed forces bombed the fire in Älvdalen on Wednesday using the JAS plan.

– This shows that it works. Secondly, the armed forces are involved in the extinction of work and are making huge efforts, so the criticism seems to be totally unjustified. What I understand is that it is effective, but it must be decided by the rescue team, "explains Stefan Löfven.

If there are more bombings with fighter jets, the prime minister can not answer.

– I do not know Now, let's evaluate that. So this method can not be used anywhere and anyway, everything understands. This must be done with caution. It is the authorities who make the decisions if they deem it necessary.


The Italian Plan Leaves Sweden

Three Titles – July 26 00:29

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