Record offer on condominiums


"The range of condominiums is at the highest level a month of June since we started measuring and the supply is significantly higher than last year, although the annual rate is more It is now interesting to see if this persists at the end of the summer and in the fall, when the supply has increased last year. "Staffan Tell, spokesman for Hemnet, at News Agency Direct

" The range of tenant-owned apartments for sale in Stockholm County was 12% higher than that of June 2017. Villa supply has increased by 37%. "The housing supply in Stockholm has a growth rate below the national average, but it's one of the highest growth rates in the country. Whole country. This is probably related to the strongest depreciation requirement, which strikes the strongest in Stockholm where prices are the highest. Staffan Tell

Image: Variation of supply compared to the previous year


Image: Stockholm supply variation compared to the previous year



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