Records for organic cereals | ATL


Harvesting organic cereals last year, with new figures from the Swedish Agricultural Council

The organic grain harvest was 323 300 tonnes – the largest ever recorded and represents more than 5 percent of the total grain harvest

15% more than in 2016 and it is the organic harvest of autumn wheat that has increased the most. The total harvest of winter wheat with eco-labeling amounts to 111,500 tonnes [19659003] The total crop of rapeseed and rapeseed has increased to 16,600 tonnes in 2017. The majority are fall trees, 15,400 tonnes, an increase of 41 percent over 2016. 19659003] Total production of potatoes grown in organic agriculture is estimated at 36,600 tonnes, almost double the yield total compared to the five-year average, but in line with the results of 2016.

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