Reduced profit for Besqab


According to the segment information, which gives the most accurate picture of the activity, the operating result amounted to 33.9 million (105) and the operating margin to 13, 7% (14.5).

Segmented information products amounted to SEK 248 million (723).

Besqab production did not start in the third quarter, compared with 101 last year.

The company sold 38 housing units, excluding nursing homes and care, which was identical to the corresponding period of the previous year. So far this year, 113 homes have been sold.

Waiting for market

"The housing markets in Stockholm and Uppsala are still waiting, but we expect a stabilization over this period.The price trend in Stockholm has shown a slight upward trend," said Executive Director Anette Frumerie.

She said that the company had increased sales in September "and that it continued at a brisk pace in October" and that projects launched so far in 2018 have been welcomed by the market. . Since the beginning of the year, Besqab has started production of 147 new homes.

"We still have a criterion that about 30% of the houses will be reserved before the start of production," said the CEO.

As of September 30, 2018, Besqab had 633 homes in production. Of these dwellings, 53% were reserved or sold, of which 51% is for sold homes and 2% for reserved dwellings.

Beneficial perspectives

Of the dwellings completed in 2018, 5 were unsold by September 30, including 3 in October.

"We do not have any apartments not sold in our balance sheet," notes the CEO.

In terms of market prospects, Anette Frumerie points out that macroeconomic factors are favorable, but that the increased credit restrictions of banks, combined with the large housing supply, still have a braking effect.

"We therefore think of relatively stable housing prices in the future, with variations depending on the local supply situation," she writes.

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