Reporting The Apple stock market can reach the threshold of dreams


Facebook, Netflix and Twitter all experienced a significant drop in stock market value last month after posting weaker than expected figures. When Apple, the top-rated techies, reports Tuesday, the trend may turn.

If Apple posts numbers that fall on the market, the company can reach for the first time worth more than $ 1 trillion, the equivalent of 8.7 trillion Swedish kroner. The hardware giant will be the first company to achieve such a score

When the stock market closed Monday night, Apple had a market capitalization of $ 933 billion, which means that the total value of shares is expected to increase by 7% .

It's a huge boost to make in a day, but Apple has already done it. In April 2012, the share rose 9% and in April 2014 8% daily, according to a study by the Financial Times.

Here are some points that the newspaper raises for the company report:

Apple Iphone is still the company's largest cash register and the technician should, according to the Wall Street's aggregated analyzes, announce sales of 42 million copies of its best-selling phone, an increase of 2% over the same quarter last year. believe that sales in the phone segment increase more than compared with the previous year, since the unit price has risen. The latest model of the company, Iphone X, has already been named Apple's best-selling mobile phone

Overall, Wall Street analysts are expecting a turnover of 52.3 billions of dollars, or 458 billion dollars, according to the Financial Times.

Apple Service Segment

Last year, Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, lifted the "Services" of the company, which experienced a faster growth than other segments of the business. This includes the company's Appstore, Apple Music, Apple Pay and Icloud Cloud Services.

It is in this area that Apple thinks that much of the growth will occur in the future, which has opened up new initiatives, such as clean material to the video.

More: Apple has already predicted that its services will sell nearly $ 50 billion, nearly $ 440 billion by 2020

The Trade War with China

Most of Apple's hardware products, such as Apple Watch, smart home pod and Apple headphones, are made in China. Due to the trade war between the United States and China, Donald Trump's proposed import duties may go against Apple's technological props. At worst, products can get a 10 percent import fee, according to the Financial Times.

Apple's mobile phones have for the moment not been affected by the trade war and Apple has promised major investments in the US economy to avoid being struck by the functions of Donald Trump.

The release of Apple's product in September

Apple has already announced the release of three new mobiles this fall and analysts will seek more information on new products from the society.

See also: Three new Iphones next year – All with instructors Oled

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