Researchers receive vaccines against deadly fever


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Swedish researchers participate in an international multidisciplinary project to develop a vaccine against deadly haemorrhagic fever Crimea Congo. At the National Veterinary Office (SVA), the so-called RNA molecules of the virus are studied.

"RNA molecules read in viral proteins and can get protective immunity, we already know that these proteins protect animals that develop antibodies." This method is effective, we discovered it through analysis on SVA test tubes, "said scientist Lijo John in a press release.

The virus is transmitted in particular by migration, Hyalomma marginatum. This year's fortress has been reported for the first time in Sweden. However, there is no indication that the specimens were carrying the virus.

A late finished vaccine.

"If we pass all the clinical trials, it will take several years to complete them," says Lijo John.

In addition to the SVA, the Karolinska Institute and the Public Health Authority participate in the Swedish way.

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