Rolls-Royce is looking for an air taxi partner


The engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce introduces its own air taxi concept and enters a market where other Airbus airlines and the Uber taxi services company are competitors.

Rolls-Royce will present its hybrid design at the Farnborough Air Show in the UK, claiming that a ready-made model could be completed in the early 2020s.

That a launch is so close the time is due to the fact that all the technology already exists or is under development. But the future of the company's flight pricing model requires you to find avionics partners and build the actual vessel. It's an ongoing exploration, says the Reuters news agency.

Rolls-Royce writes in a press release that its initial hybrid solution does not require infrastructure expansion, such as electric charging stations. The vehicle is powered by fossil fuels, provides power to the electric motors and simultaneously charges the batteries that will power the electric motors during certain parts of the flight.

Rolls-Royce states that their hybrid is a step toward reducing emissions and can be used for private and public transportation for four to five passengers, for military purposes and for cargo.

The model is a VTOL (Vertical Elevation and Landing) solution, so it looks like an airplane and can be aerated like a helicopter when the wings are turned up. Therefore, the flight tax can both travel faster than helicopters, but be able to work in urban environments and relieve market traffic.

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