Rotenberg suits Nordea, Handelsbanken and Danske Bank


Russian businessman Boris Rotenberg has filed a lawsuit against Nordea, OP, Handelsbanken and Danske Bank for violating the US sanctions-related agreements it was subjected to in 2014.

He now confirms the banks of the news agency STT, whose information is published by Yle among others. OP has not yet confirmed the atmosphere. The other three banks do not want to comment on the case.

The trial took place in the District Court of Helsinki on 4 October and the banks were informed last week, including among others, Dagens Industri and Taloussanomat.

30 days to answer

European banks must take into account US sanctions against individuals if they wish to continue doing business with US banks, writes the Bloomberg agency, announced Friday in the fall. Banks must do this even if the people in question do not appear on the European sanctions lists.

traders Boris Rotenberg and his brother Arkadij Rotenberg are on the US list of people facing sanctions. They are suspected of having made money illegally. For example, they should have won large sums on Sochi Sochi's buildings through expensive construction contracts.

The Russian Boris Rotenberg has dual nationality and is also a Finnish citizen. He would have released the European sanctions.

Banks have 30 days to respond after confirmation of service.

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