Rusty escalators stop trains – News


The escalators of the Stockholm and Stockholm Odenplan suburban train stations, two of the three commuter train stations in the center of Stockholm, are not safe, and the stations should not be used without escalators, reports the report. Swedish Transport Administration. Stations spend each day around 150,000 travelers

On Monday, one of the 71 relatively new escalators suddenly went out.

It became a crossroads, all rushed in free fall. He is just lucky that no one has been seriously hurt, "said Caroline Ottosson, general manager of SL at a press conference.

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Escalators stop the train

A check showed that the escalators were in poor condition, even though the stations had only been working for a year

On Monday, the decision was made Taking control of all the stairs But only on Thursday the control began, It showed a widespread problem.

We have now found more escalators that have similar symptoms, says Caroline Ottosson.

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Fredrik Cavalli Björkman, head of the traffic department of the Stockholm County Council, shows in a press release a link from the escalator that shone.

L & Error is due to a gap, reports the newspaper Ny Teknik. It was found in a closed unit where the gearbox of the escalator is located, which requires no maintenance. There was a rusty and tired connection that was last fixed in the security system – and when it broke, there was no stop.

Other stairs in SL stations should not be identical. They can also be checked later, according to information from the press service of SL

The decision to close all the escalators, and therefore the stations because it is impossible to come and go lanes , was taken from Friday to Friday. also by train

Travelers are now invited to subway in the center of Stockholm. But for how long the stop lasts, SL can not say anything

I do not want to wonder how long the work takes. We will come back when we have facts at our disposal, according to press spokesman Per Hallberg

Currently, SJ travelers cross the city of Stockholm because the so-called "getingmidjan" will be maintained and no train SJ will not go south of Central Stockholm. . All SJ travelers who have so far relied on the commuter train can now find other routes to get to the south side of the capital. Everyone who bought a commuter train ticket with SL, via SJ, is allowed to go by subway instead.

There are many stressed travelers who do not know how to get there. We are reinforcing the metro on the red line and recommend everyone to take the metro to the interior. Suss Forssman Thullberg, Director of Communications at SL

Criticism of County Council

The moderate county council Kristoffer Tamsons is very critical of the Swedish Transport Administration who managed the contract and built the new stations.

it is unacceptable. I understand if the traveler is upset. I am sorry that we had a Citybana built many times, showing the different flaws and failures that the building manager, the Swedish Transport Authority, should have seized and worked on before handing over the City Line. at the Stockholm County Council. He assumes that the Swedish Transport Administration is now trying to find other options for suburban trains.

The Provider: A Unique Event

After the event, Otis, who delivered the escalators, declared that "it was a one-off event". According to Caroline Ottosson

Otis Press Communications Officer, David Moilins, can not explain why they asked SL to continue driving the other escalators.

I can not really answer it. We must first understand what has happened to us to express ourselves, "said David Moilins

TT: Have you had these problems before?

This is the first time that this is happening in Sweden. But, of course, we maintain two million escalators in the world, so it is clear that there have been problems before, but that is different on a case – by – case basis.

Let's see first if the question only applies in Stockholm, or if

According to Moilins, Otis sent engineers to Stockholm from all over Europe to investigate Escalators

Fixed: An earlier version indicated the cost of SJ travelers using the subway. ] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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