Saminvest between 150 million Swedish incubators


The public investment company Saminvest, created in 2016, invests in private venture capital companies

. Through a new venture, the company has also entered into three incubator-related venture capital funds. It is the business incubator Sting, Minc and Arctic who can share the money.

Saminvest is also launching a business where you will match angel investors' follow-up investments in incubators.

"Our investment strengthens the financial system around the best incubators their innovative environments." The goal is to improve financing and thus growth opportunities for promising innovative companies up to that point. 39 they become interesting for the big players in venture capital, "says Peder Hasslev, CEO of Saminvest:

" Sting in Stockholm and Minc in Malmö and ABI in Luleå has brought together a number of interesting companies in its programs and has built networks of experienced business angels and investment companies that today represent the most important investors in the company, "said Peder Hasslev, chairman of Saminvest in a press release. .log ("Loading Facebook SDK appId: 1525273121070161");
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