Sara, 16, suffered from "tampon disease" – but on a class trip


Last year died 16 year old Sara Manitoski of British Columbia, Canada, on a school trip to Vancouver. According to the authors' report, teen death is caused by a toxic shock syndrome, or tampon disease, as you can call it, according to Daily Mail.

It was in March 2017 that Sara was on a class trip to Hornby Island. When her roommates went to breakfast, she went to bed and they left. When they came back from breakfast, Sara had not moved, even though her alarm was ringing.

High school staff, students, and even caregivers practiced cardiopulmonary resuscitation and nothing was happening – the 16-year-old could not be reinstated. The day before, she had complained to her friends about having rules and not feeling well, but despite the activities of the day, according to Vancouver Sun.

During dinner, she had not eaten too much, then went to the fire. Back to the cottage around ten o'clock in the evening.

According to the report, a strain of staphylococcal bacteria was detected on a tampon at the site, and there were also other symptoms consistent with the tampon disease.

What is tampon disease?

The pathological condition is extremely rare and manifests as a bacterial infection. The bacterium secretes a poison that causes a rapid fall in blood pressure. In turn, it prevents the tissue in the body from having enough oxygen.

It is called tampon disease because toxic shock syndrome often affects people who use a tampon. Often, the bacteria is yellow staph that causes infections. Bacteria are already between the two and one in three, but in most cases they are completely harmless.

Symptoms include flu-like fever, headache, muscles, throat and cough. But also redness of the skin, red eyes and tongue but also diarrhea and vomiting.

Here you can read more about Tampong's disease .

News24 also wrote about Lauren, 24, who was suffering from an illness of tampons and needed to amputate her legs. Here you can read more about it.

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