SAS continues to set up flights


In April and June, SAS had to make more than 700 departures, and according to information posted on the SAS website yesterday, 40 more flights will be posted next week.

According to Norwegian Dagens Næringsliv

Travelers racing

On the company's Facebook page, racing travelers were informed that their flights had been canceled but without other information.

"We are stranded in Berlin because of canceled flights and we have not received any information.How can you treat people like this?"

"You send a text message at 5 am today that our flight to Dublin has been canceled, no explanation, nobody can do it, my question is if you really want to do that?"

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Photo: Traveler Arg SAS.

In an email to SVT News writes SAS:

"We are sorry to hear the wait and we have called all the staff." To better inform passengers, we have Also added additional information visible on our website.At the present time, it is high season, which means that many flights are full and that it is more difficult to find solutions Every conversation with our clients is time consuming and time consuming, and once again we apologize for it and do everything we can. "

" Ambitious "

One of the main reasons for the current staff shortage is that several employees of the SAS Ireland subsidiary have ceased their activities.Where, poor working conditions.Something that the SAS Group Executive Vice President, Lars Sandahl Sørensen , told Norwegian Enterprise Today, that i They are looking into it. He also admits that the company has been too ambitious.

– We have been too ambitious in planning the travel program this summer. So after, I would have liked to be more careful. Problems are taken seriously, says Lars Sandahl Sørensen at Norwegian DN

Difficult to replace some trips

According to information posted on the site of SAS yesterday, but today removed, travelers are affected, between other things, to fly between Arlanda, Split, Oslo and Barcelona next week

On the site SAS writes that they are trying to book travelers at other flights but that it will be hard to find compensation for some destinations and only those who can try Finding his own solutions for compensation

By asking why the total information on canceled flights is no longer on the page, SAS writes:

"We always provide information on our site and our other channels, of course we are also in direct contact with the passengers concerned and they receive continuous information from us. the can be done at the airport or by sms, email, phone, etc. "

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