Saved boys are treated in hospitals – received a rabies vaccine


The rescue action continues at Chiang Rai Cave, where the four boys and coaches should be rescued during the day. At the same time, the eight boys who were released underwent several investigations at Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital, The Guardian .

Among other things, they underwent blood, pulmonary, cardiovascular and ocular tests and mental tests. They have also been prescribed antibiotics and rabies vaccines. They all wear light-proof glasses as they have become photosensitive after the darkness of the cave.

READ MORE: Eight boys saved the cave after two weeks – 1945-19004

and one should have ankle pain. The group that appeared later should also have had very low body temperatures. But according to doctors, boys must be relatively good. They are told to talk and have a good appetite.

In the morning they should have asked for chocolate and bread, which the hospital had accepted

– The doctors looked after the boys and now everyone is fine and happy. They usually talk and do not have a fever. We started giving them "medical food" this morning, reports the Minister of Public Health, Jesada Chokedamrongsuk, at a press conference at the hospital

READ MORE: He seems to save the football team from the Thai cave

Four boys who were first rescued from the cave even meet their parents. Because the boys may have infected the cave, the meeting was held behind a glass wall in the hospital.

The other four boys have to meet their parents during the day.

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