SCA strongly as expected | THE BUSINESS WORLD


The Forest Group is performing according to expectations and has strong markets in all areas of activity.

SCA's operating profit amounted to 745 million crowns for the second quarter of 2018.

The result was just in line with the 745 million Analysts had calculated, according to EMS Direct Summary for the report.

Combined with sales of 4.670 million higher than expected 4.575 million, it gave an operating margin of 15.9 percent, slightly lower than expected 16.3 percent pre-tax profit, including the non-recurring items amounted to SEK 740 million, exceeding analysts' expectations to 708 million.

"The market situation remained strong in the second quarter, with good demand across all SCA sectors."

SCA has increased prices in a multi – segment segment over the course of the year and the process is not yet over, said Larsson. edan at the presentation of the performance

At the level of the business areas, Forest, Wood and Paper achieved better margins than expected, while Massa was a little weaker.


The new Östrand pulp mill, a giant investment of 7.8 billion dollars, was used by the company. euros, which came into service in June, 6.6 billion were invested. The process resulted in a longer production strike which affected the result of the Massa business sector, whose Ebitda reached -112 million Swedish kronor, a greater loss of $ 60 million from predictions

. A good level of production has been achieved quickly and Östrand is now committed to ensuring stable production and gradually reducing the plant to its full capacity and highest quality, "writes Ulf Larsson, CEO of SCA . The mass was delivered to the customer

The EBITDA result was allocated 236 million SEK for the restructuring, with 31 million SEK of projected costs and 75 million higher direct costs.

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