Seven questions and answers about measles – so dangerous that it is


How dangerous is measles?

According to the Public Health Agency, the disease is one of the leading causes of death among young children in low-income countries. But in most cases, it is harmless and heals itself. Although most people who become ill then become healthy, measles can lead to serious complications despite modern health care. Even measles deaths occur.

How does measles infect?

The disease is transmitted by viruses transmitted by an airborne infection. Usually, a person is in the same room as the sick person to be infected. The Public Health Authority estimates that each infected person can transmit the disease to 18 other people.

What are the most common complications?

One in five people with measles can become seriously ill. Especially children because measles tightens the strength and immune system of the child. According to the social welfare manual, it is common that sequelae such as ear inflammation, sinusitis or pneumonia, associated with measles.

In exceptional cases, measles can lead to inflammation of the brain, which in turn can lead to serious brain damage and even death.

What are the symptoms of measles

The symptoms of measles are fever, eye irritation, cough, headache and rashes of the oral mucosa. After three or four days, a large, red, often confluent rash usually appears first on the face and then spreads to the bonfire, arms, and legs.

And if you think you are infected?

Do not seek care directly at the hospital's health center or emergency services. Read about measles first at 1177 Care Guide. Do you still think you have measles, call 1177 for guidance on how to take it.

"When seeking medical care, it is extremely important that people with measles symptoms are not taken to waiting rooms and public areas, but rather to rooms with separate entrances or rooms with insulation, "says Thomas Wahlberg, infectious doctor.

Never go to a health center without phoning in advance. You can infect the entire waiting room.

How do I know if I am vaccinated?

The measles vaccine is administered in two stages. The first time at 18 months, the second dose when the child is in first or second year. The vaccine is a combination vaccine against the measles dog, the red mumps. Children born between 1980 and 2001 were vaccinated a second time in grade 6.

Those born before 1960 have almost always had the disease in their childhood, write the guide for social assistance and are therefore immune.

Persons born between 1960 and 1980 must check whether they have been vaccinated twice or if they have contracted the disease. Consult a health center, child protection center or vaccination center if you are not sure if you should be vaccinated as an adult or your child.

What is the situation of measles in Skåne?

The first case of measles was discovered a few weeks ago when a person sought care at a health center in Malmö. Upon discovering the network of contacts and contacts affecting life in Malmöperson, a suspected case of measles was discovered in Trelleborg. This person visited Simlektioner in Trelleborg and the pool visitors, who were present on October 13 and 15, are now being asked to be extra vigilant in a letter of information from the company. infection control unit.

The infectious diseases unit sent instructions to the medical service. Symptoms such as high fever, dry cough, rashes starting in the face, irritated and photosensitive eyes should be monitored.

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