Several sunscreens do not hold – News


A new audit of a number of sunscreen products such as creams and staples shows that many can not show that they hold what they promise and do not specify what is needed to achieve the promised effect. Three of the eleven have not been able to prove that they have the effect they claim to have, "says Charlotte Björkbäck, an investigator at the Medical Products Agency.

In one of three cases, there is a lack of sunscreens with sunscreen between 15 and 50 years old. complete certificate of the effect of the cream, in the other, only one type of radiation had been tested and in the third case, the certificate showed that the promised effect had not been achieved

Missing Instructions

In addition, a majority or seven of eleven sunscreens have clear information about how much cream is really needed and when and how often you need to lubricate to give the promised protection.

This is serious. It is important that the consumer can ensure that the cream has an effect on the product, "says Björkbäck

then instructions are needed to show how the product should be used to achieve the desired effect.

New Products

] You must know how to use the cream. For example, it will be the right amount if you have to reapply several times, for example after taking a bath and wiping with a towel.

In 2009, the study found that many solar products had significant deficiencies. corrected or removed from the market.

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