She has one of the most difficult jobs in Sweden


PostNord is going through a difficult period behind him, watched closely by the media, sometimes under the storm, and dissatisfied customers who expressed dissatisfaction with social media. At worst, only 11% said they trust the company. Approximately somewhere, Annemarie Gardshol joined the new PostNord Sweden post.

"It was a challenge, I agree, but I have already experienced difficult situations.

I have seen the opportunity to do something good. And when I met with colleagues from the organization, it became clear that even they wanted to do everything to regain people's trust. There is a big redesign in PostNord, she says.

One of Annemarie Gardshol's first actions was to involve customer service and corporate production managers in a tour in Sweden. PostNord has visited 22 Swedish cities from north to south, has spoken with more than 20 000 Swedes and found that many of them were also satisfied with PostNord.

"I was pleasantly surprised.When we interviewed people in town to find out what they thought of us, about seven out of ten people said that they were either neutral or positive for us." Company Annemarie Gardshol said: "I read that PostNord had a problem, but that it works for me."

Your e-commerce package will take a long journey before ending with you. Watch the movie on the way!

Want to make the customer happy
Annemarie Gardshol, strong of happy calling but also suggestions for audience improvement, came back from the tour. Even more convinced that the negative trend could be reversed. In addition to being renovated within the management team, decentralizing the organization and following up on concrete proposals from frustrated employees who thought that no one was listening to them, Annemarie Gardshol has launched an improvement program that takes into account the customer experience.

"We have identified the areas of contact where customers are most frustrated to meet us and are working on changes we hope to make to improved service." The big difference now is that we include all employees, from the terminal to the delivery.Everybody will feel that they help make the customer happy.

Strong increase in packages
In order to receive the growing number of parcels, PostNord has opened several new terminals, the last having been opened in Växjö on 19 October. The number of parcel agents has increased by 140 this year and there are currently 1,800 extradition sites in Sweden.

At the same time, PostNord will soon enter the most challenging time of the year, starting with Black Friday on November 23 and ending only when the last packages leave the terminals on December 24. Forecasts point to a 25% increase in parcel volume compared to last year, but the trend is so fast that no one in the industry really knows how many parcels there are.

"Last year, everyone was taken to bed, we had never dreamed of volumes flowing into the terminals after Black Friday.This year we presented a series of steps to make facing the peaks, she said.

Soon it's Christmas. Keep track of all important dates!

Wash the stamp
The action package includes 3,000 additional employees, 40 temporary Christmas agents and collaborations with major online merchants to better distribute the transport during the day. And it is not impossible that Annemarie Gardshol sorts the parcels herself at any terminal in the Stockholm area before Christmas.

"We must do everything in our power to handle this, and if that means I have to crumble my sleeves and cut them, I will do it."

And it's not just Christmas 2018 that needs to be done.

The number of parcels is expected to triple by 2025. We need to work on solutions that make it easier for recipients, such as home delivery at home or downloading mobile bankID packages ", says Annemarie Gardshol, before continuing :

– PostNord has found itself in a crisis of confidence caused by the lack of functioning of the company. Although we are now making major changes, measuring and working with quality every day, it will take time before we can erase that stamp. I am very excited about it. But my goal is for Swedes to know they can trust PostNord again.

Facts: Here's How PostNord Ends Christmas

  • Two new terminals in Örebro and Växjö, capable of handling between 10,000 and 16,000 parcels per hour.
  • Collaborate with the industry 's leading online merchant to avoid choke bottlenecks and queues when sorting packages.
  • 140 new agents during the year and 40 temporary in December.
  • Sorting terminals throughout the weekend of December.
  • Saturday deliveries to city representatives in December.
  • Parcel pickup on the weekend of December.
  • Maintains two Christmas flights that were to be deleted.
  • Extended hours at the PostNord customer center in December.
  • Delivery of friends even at home.
  • 3,000 additional employees.

Facts: Annemarie Gardshol

age: 51 years old.

profession: CEO of PostNord Sweden.

CV: Has had lead roles in the Gambro Medical Technology Society and the McKinsey Consulting Firm. Closer to the post of CEO of the PostNord Group Strålfors.

Strength as head: "Systematic and can quickly get into new things."

Weakness as a leader: "Sometimes it's so focused on the next step that I'm too bad to give incentives to employees for something they did well."

Doing free time: "Surround our dog, go climbing and skiing."

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