SJ stops selling X2000 tickets available – due to heat on board


There is now a stop for the sale of train tickets for weekend departures with the X2000 – despite availability of available seats

The reason is the air conditioners and about 30 departures are concerned.

The Swedish climate and now we had a climate that, in principle, was not Swedish, says Dan Olofsson at SJ's press release.

Extremetten continues to create problems for trains in Sweden.

The stop sale is valid for weekend departures, Saturday and Sunday, and about 30 departures are concerned

– The air conditioners are not sized for the current heat. Some air conditioners have been disabled. If there is a car that is crushing, we want a number of places and we move to cars that run on air conditioning, says Dan Olofsson at the press release. SJ and continues:

– We put the expertise we have at work

"Works at the beginning of the days"

Air conditioning is missing because of the drought, he says.

– It's a combination that there has been no rain for a long time, so there is a lot of pollen and dust closing our filters. Then the heat causes the plants to load very hard. It usually works at the beginning of the day, but finally, after many bends between Malmö and Stockholm, or Gothenburg and Stockholm, for example, the unit does not work

Why the fog does not work. is he not better prepared? [19659004] – Due to extreme temperatures. The trains are put into operation and built to manage the Swedish climate and now we had a climate that, in principle, was not Swedish. But we will of course have to look at how we can change routines based on this type of extreme heat.

Three titles – July 27 00:29

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