Skanska Profits – Message from Volvo Power |


Skanska wins – American boss gets kicked
exchange Skanska posted gains last night late into the night when the company was once again attracted by the problems in the United States. Total impairments of $ 1.3 billion are charged to the company in the third quarter. Low production rates mean that construction giants are late and increase costs, real productivity and efficiency problems. Moreover, the American boss can leave his job.
The operating profit of Skanska for the third quarter of 2018 amounts to approximately 0.5 billion Swedish crowns (1.5 billion SEK), including depreciation and write-downs of A total amount of 1.3 billion Swedish kroner.
Don Fusco has been appointed President of the Skanska USA Civil Business Unit, with immediate effect. Don Fusco is part of Skanska USA Civil's management group and has been responsible for operations for the Western Region since 2015; he is responsible for all activities in the states of California, Oregon and Washington. He worked for 29 years in the construction sector and 16 years for Skanska, writes the company in a press release.

Volvo's strong message
exchange The third quarter is the strongest of all times for the truck builder. "In the third quarter of 2018, demand was strong and the growth of our vehicle and service business continued.We increased our net sales to 92.3 billion SEK, with growth adjusted for currency effects 13%, while improving the adjusted operating income from SEK 3.3 billion to SEK 10.2 billion and the adjusted operating margin to 9.1% (9.1), although this is the best third quarter to date for the Group does not mean we have reached our full potential, there is still a lot to be done to improve profitability and cash flow, "said Martin Lundstedt, President and Chief Executive Officer, in a press release .

Telia exceeded expectations
exchange Telia reported pre-tax profit of SEK 3,234 million for the third quarter of 2018. This is comparable to the profit of SEK 1,072 million in the same period last year.



Investment banks and commodity brokers deducted from Danish tax evasion
banks According to the DR, twelve banks and financial companies were involved in the main tax problems imposed in Denmark, where the Danish government eliminated 12.7 billion Danish kroner between 2012 and 2015. Among the banks known as DR, one BNP Paribas, the South African investment bank Investec, and the wealthy US commodities broker ED & F Man, which trades in futures and options related to agricultural products and commodities. ED & F Man was founded in 1783.
In the presentation at the top of the site, the Commodity Broker ED & F Man presents the following text: "The responsibility of the company is rooted in our culture.We are passionate about sustainable production, make sure to limit the impact of our activities on the environment and actively support the communities in which we work. "

The tax credit of the major European banks
banks "When the moral alarm clock is set to repeat, you always get up late." Even if the ringing sounds again, the banks 'silence is so complete that one can hear a coin falling on bankers' soil, SVT Peter Rawet said after revealing that the bank giants had helped their clients to cheat with at least 70 billion public funds in Europe. One of the banks mentioned is the Swedish SEB.
Follow the money. This call has rarely been as good as bank scandals. Behind the big risk, there are often the high yield requirements of homeowners and the desire of bankers to get big bonuses. Now the bankers are leaving the mess of representatives, writes SvD Näringslivs Birgitta Forsberg in a comment.

The tax cheats: We were thirsty foxes
banks "We were bloodthirsty foxes who had entered the hen house, the henhouse was the state with its treasure, and the henhouse was openly on the edge." Now, one of those hiding behind the great fraud of European treasures comes in an exclusive interview, reports TT. The German prosecutor is an insider – one of those who contributed to the design of the method used in what is called the biggest tax evasion in Europe.
C & # 39; was in a law firm in Frankfurt, on the 30th floor, at the time of writing the plan. The insider was working for Hanno Berger, a renowned lawyer and tax consultant, identified as the brains behind this scheme. Berger denies the crimes.
The exclusive interview was conducted by the German media ARD, Die Zeit and Correctiv. They are part of the European journalistic cooperation on so-called "cumex" cases, which are at the root of the revelation of the giant tax vengeance.

Big banks raid stock exchange
banks The worst of the last 30 days among the big Swedish banks was Nordea, which has taken 12.5% ​​since September 18th. SEB and Swedbank also strongly supported last month 4.5% and 7.9% respectively. Handelsbanken also supported the last 30 days, even if it is only 1.1%, probably because the bank does not operate in the Baltic countries, writes SvD Business Enterprise.

Sweco buys companies in Germany and Belgium
MY Sweco acquires the Belgian companies Planet Engineering and Nexilis, as well as the German company Götzelmann + Partner. With the acquisitions, Sweco employs 45 new employees, she writes in a press release.

The profile of the radio Adam Alsing enters the company of the adornment
Fintech It is too difficult to retire. Nowo, the high-tech company Nowo, now charges a fee of SEK 20 million, which allows customers to change their pension rights, writes Di Digital. One of the owners who is added is the television and radio profile Adam Alsing. He will act as the face of the company in marketing and, as such, has become a partner of the company.

"Taking Swedbank out of the savings bank is bad"
notebook The most urgent way to build a successful financial infrastructure in rural areas is to put an end to Swedbank's control over local savings banks and their settlement and development opportunities. At the same time, more measures are needed for the future economic and regional development of the country, by writing a number of municipal councils, which have organized themselves into a national banking network, in an article of debate in SvD Näringsliv.

"New tax deduction on jobs can create 90,000 jobs"
notebook With the help of a new research exam, we can calculate that the employment tax deduction has created between 86,000 and 165,000 jobs. An extended deduction could create up to 90,000 additional jobs, writes Timber Chief Economist, Jacob Lundberg, and economist, John Norell, of SvD Debatt.

Nordstiernan joined the electoral committee of Diös
advice The nominating committee of Dios consists of Bo Forsén, chairman of the nominating committee and representative of Backahill Inter AB, Bob Persson, chairman of the board of directors and representative of AB Persson Invest, Stefan Nilsson, representative of the pension fund SHB Försäkringsförening and Carl Engström, representative of Nordstjernan AB.
The Nominating Committee represents 36.9% of the votes in Diös Fastigheter according to the list of owners as of September 30, 2018. Bengtsson Tidnings AB has chosen to resign from the nomination committee for Nordstjernan AB after the September 4 transaction, announced the company in a press release.

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