Skanska sold more housing | THE BUSINESS WORLD


Skanska Construction Company sold 720 residential units in its residential development portion in the third quarter, compared with 683 for the same period in 2017.

Of this total, the Nordic region had 552 units (486), of which 365 in Sweden (296). In the second quarter, Skanska sold 742 homes in the Nordic countries, including 499 in Sweden.

In the third quarter, Skanska started production of 764 houses (662), of which 554 in the Nordic countries (469), Sweden representing 403 units (363).

At the end of September, Skanska had 7,538 residential properties in production (8,006), of which 4,061 in Sweden (4,834). 72% of current production has been sold (81).

Skanska previously reported that the turnover of the housing construction industry amounted to SEK 2.5 billion in the third quarter (2.0) and that the operating profit amounted to 0, $ 5 billion (0.2) during the quarter.

"In the residential development sector, we maintain strong profitability, although profits from land sales and reserve resolution have a significant impact on profits," wrote Anders Danielsson in the words of the report's CEO.

He points out that "the Swedish market, especially Stockholm, continues to wait, as the current overpopulation has to be absorbed and the willingness of customers to buy housing early in the construction phase has declined."

"Thanks to our diversification in the markets and segments, we can adjust the composition of our portfolio." Our financial strength also allows us to seize the opportunities that arise in the current market situation. Housing will be good in most of our markets, "he adds.

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