Small changes in opinion since the parliamentary elections


The Alliance, on the other hand, receives somewhat reduced support, according to the Swedish Selective Dialogue, a compilation of opinion polls conducted by Sifo for Sveriges Radio Ekot.

But the difference between the election results of September 9 is weak in the resolution of the Swedish elections and, according to the conclusion of Sifo, the result would be about the same, the red being more powerful than the alliance and the Democrats Swedish playing a role of champion of the wave.

"Practical thumbs up"

Professor Tommy Möller of Statsvetar thinks that the figures of Swedish Väljaropinion reinforce the line of the Center Party and the Liberals, writes Ekot.

In practice, both parties congratulated Ulf Kristersson as prime minister, and it would not have been surprising to see an excess of center and liberal voters towards the moderates, but such a trend does not seem to exist, says Tommy Möller in Ekot.

He also believes that one of the effects of this measure is that both the Swedish Democrats and the Social Democrats can calmly consider a new choice.

"Parties that think they can increase support from their constituents naturally have more reason to want more choice," Tommy Möller told Ekot.

M and L back

In the balance of measures, the Social Democrats receive 28.9%, a little more than half a point more than in the parliamentary elections. MP and V are almost unchanged, from a little over 4 and a little over 8%.

M and L support a little more than half a point each and the KD also falls below the election result of 5.9%. The center party is the only party in the alliance to progress and reach 8.9%.

The SD increases the most in percentage, from 17.5% in the election results to 18.7% at the equilibrium.

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