Smart nurses with antibiotics resist resistant bacteria


Awareness of antibiotic resistance has never been greater, but despite this, antibiotics are sometimes used on the wrong occasions and longer than necessary. Smart antibiotic nurses are a national effort to get the best possible antibiotic treatment in hospitals.

There is now a circular for emergency department nurses developed by the Strama National Task Force. The map will remind you of important moments of antibiotic treatment and will create a dialogue within the treatment team based on four questions.

"Although the doctor assumes the medical responsibility of the patient, it is the nurses who bear the responsibility and their role is important in the fight against antibiotic resistance," says Stephan Stenmark, Västerbotten County Infectious Physician and President of Strama .

The idea of ​​the circles comes from Västerbotten and was then taken at the national level.

Daily reminders

The idea is that nurses must wear the card and use it in their work. The card is not bigger than in a breast pocket.

"We know that when antibiotics are used properly, they cause fewer side effects, improve healing and reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance.This also increases the chances that the antibiotic we use will act more long, which is important because there are not many new variants, "Stephan Stenmark said.

Working with daily reminders to change a behavior, says nudging, is a proven work method that is used in Sweden and around the world.

"The cards will help health professionals make decisions that promote patient health without limiting the freedom of action of staff," said Anders Johansson, health professional at Västerbotten County Council.

Regional Custom Checklist

In Västerbotten, the national map has been adapted with the addition on the back of the use of the catheter.

– Urinary tract infections are the most common treatment-related infections in Sweden and are usually caused by catheters. Therefore, the card on the back has four questions to make sure that the catheter is not used longer than necessary. To prevent infections, you do not need to use antibiotics, "says Anders Johansson.

From the end of November, the circles will be distributed to hospitals. The goal is for all end-of-care departments to introduce and start using circles in the spring of 2019.

"It's cost-effective and requires very little resources, the staff already have the knowledge, and the business card will only help them use it – our goal is that it's a long-lasting, sustainable business that will change over the long term. said Anders Johansson.

Use of antibiotics in the county

Primary care in Västerbotten uses at least antibiotics in the country, but in hospitals, Västerbotten applies nationwide.

"Being a small county populated with a large university hospital that treats patients throughout the northern region affects utilization, but improvements are possible," says Stephan Stenmark.

90% of all antibiotics are printed on prescription and the remaining 10% are ordered by hospital clinics.

"Over the past 20 years, there has been a focus on reducing the use of primary care antibiotics, where the prescription is strongest, and the results have been satisfactory. joint venture, "Stephan Stenmark concludes.

In this way, you can help protect the antibiotic as an individual

  • Protect yourself and others from infection:
    • Wash your hands after the toilet, before and during cooking and before eating.
    • Follow vaccination programs.
  • Do not use antibiotic remaining, but leave it in the pharmacy.
  • Do not buy antibiotics without a prescription abroad and do not order via the internet.

  • More information

    Stephan Stenmark, infectious doctor of the Västerbotten County Council and President of Strama.
    070-969 51 40

    Anders Johansson, health professional on the Västerbotten County Council.
    070-359 08 30


    Linn Johansson
    Communications staff
    County Council Västerbotten
    072-214 43 47

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