So much less Kinapaket – but soon it turns out that Postnord – News (Ekot)


– We see a fairly substantial reduction in the number of shipments from third countries. At the end of 2017, there were between 150,000 and 160,000 shipments a day. Today, between 5,000 and 6,000 packets come from China, "said Thomas Backteman, director of communications at Postnord.

The interest of buying cheap toys, cosmetics and products from March 1, when the beneficiaries will pay VAT on their goods and another 75 crowns will be collected by Postnord, interest will have cooled and parcels from China will have decreased

.Nordnord reported at the end of April that nearly one million shipments that came to Sweden in March, nearly half of the beneficiaries chose not to pick up [19659003]

There were many returns that led to a lot of work but

– We returned about 350,000 packages to China and more than 50,000 to other countries, says Thomas Backteman. returned for Postnord, but at Postnord, we remain optimistic and hope that revenues and shipments from third countries, ie countries outside the EU, will increase again soon.

Postnord hopes that more companies, such as the American company Wish, will provide a Chinese trading venue, enter into an agreement with Postnord, and then immediately charge VAT and all fees when customers trade them.

It would make customers easier and make goods cheaper for recipients, business costs could be lower than fees

– We think this trade will restart, especially if more players charge VAT directly to the purchase.

What does the prospect look like?

– I think According to Thomas Backteman, more and more Internet-based trading sites are following the evolution of the situation