So the majority who wants to move – News in Kristianstad – 24 hours a day


A third of homeowners want to move the following year, but two or three of them say they do not have the opportunity to do so because of various obstacles.

Especially, it is locking effects such as the capital gains tax, the difficulties in obtaining bank loans and the new, more stringent cancellation requirements that prevent people from moving out.

It is mainly young people and inhabitants of metropolitan areas who are affected. It shows a survey conducted by YouGov on behalf of Bygma.

Most of the regrets are due to the capital gains tax, followed by new depreciation requirements and difficulties in obtaining new loans. Then, every three years, the fall in housing prices indicates the reasons.

"Today, it's too cheap to stay and too expensive to move, which creates lock-in effects." Compared to the other OECD country, Sweden has much higher transaction costs for the person who is moving in. The negative impact on mobility becomes evident when many households point out that the capital tax is the biggest barrier to mobility, he explains. Anna Broman, expert in housing policy in the Swedish construction industry.

He is especially young between 25 to 35 year olds and metropolitan residents who see barriers to offshoring. The youngest are mainly penalized by the fall in real estate prices and the new, more demanding fees of debtors. The elderly are mainly penalized by the capital gains tax.

"The survey shows clear blocking effects on the housing market, especially in big cities and young homeowners, and we can now see clearly the effects of the new, tougher requirements on debtors and the way in which they are handled. they help to make the housing market even more rigid in a position to go in the opposite direction.Of course, this also affects the construction of housing and therefore our own sector in a position where we would rather need. increase the rate of construction, commenting Urban Johansson, CEO of Bygma in Sweden.

Forecast of the Swedish construction sector on housing construction shows that the number of housing starts is down by a third between 2017 and 2019. The main reason is the restriction of high-speed credit introduced in recent years, which also affects the opportunity for first time buyers to enter the housing market.

"In addition, they greatly impede the mobility of those who wish to move, which indicates even more clearly the need for an in-depth review of the adopted regulations," concludes Anna Broman.

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