Sonja, 88, is dead – after an accident with a retirement home


Sonja Pettersson lived in a municipal retirement home in Karlstad and on June 27 residents and staff moved. They went to an area of ​​Klarälven in Karlstad

When it was time to go home, the group was waiting for a flight service.

– A staff member who waited for Mom to leave and left her alone. She had locked the wheelchair, but Mom was unlocking it, as she usually does, says Pia Pettersson to her daughter

Folded her face against the stones

According to Pia Pettersson, the chair should have rolled towards a pier. 39; water.

– The others stood 20 meters away. Mom fell off the wheelchair and got off the bridge. She landed with her face on the stones, said Pia Petterson, who first told of the event in the Northwest Territories.

When Sonja was taken with an ambulance to the emergency room, Pia Pettersson received the conversation from the unit leader who told her that an accident had occurred

– She said that something terrible had happened but she thought her mother only had "She broke her nose," said Pia Pettersson, who went to the hospital Emergency of the hospital

"Like horror film"

That is only when she arrived that she learned the gravity of the # 39; accident.

– It was like a horror movie when I saw Mom. She was completely covered with blood. The face was again walled. She suffered multiple facial fractures and was placed in a respirator, Pia explains.

After a few days, the situation improved and Sonja Pettersson switched from intensive care to a health care service. At night, Pia Pettersson received a call from a doctor.



         Sonja Pettersson was 88 years old. "Mom loved the beautiful clothes and made herself beautiful, I think she would have lived for several years until the accident happened," says her daughter Pia Pettersson.

Photo: Private

"I just screamed"

– The doctor said his condition was getting worse and died. You're joking, I said. But it was right. I just screamed right away. I broke up in total.

Pia Pettersson describes the anger she knows about the care and lack of attention to her mother during the trip.

– I do not want to talk to anyone about lodging anymore. We emptied the apartment and left the apartment without saying anything to anyone. I am so angry, she explains.

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Pia Pettersson tells her that she works at the service at home of the municipality and finds that what happened to the mother happen. "

announces health care

She will report accommodation to IVO, Inspection of Care and Care.

– I do not realize that everything that happens is It's a mess without it being in my mind. "The day before the mother's death, we had an urn for my father, who died in January, and a week later I would get married [19659002] Pia Pettersson tells us that the wedding took place last Saturday and that after all it became a beautiful day.

"While waiting for the wedding"

– Mom was looking forward at marriage and talked a lot about what she had to wear herself She would also have been in Dad's urn But she did not do it

She says Sonja Pettersson was a nice old lady who loved to go around the wheelchair, loved to have flowers and relax, loved to look beautiful and wear makeup and clothes. [19659002] – I think she would have lived several years until the accident did not happen, says Pia Pettersson.

Police waiting for the investigation of the municipality

The intensive care department reported the death to the police.

– This is done because it was an accident. We then contacted the municipality and are now waiting for their own investigation and reading Sarah's notification. After that we will see if there is a preliminary inquiry. Now, the case is a death without suspicion of crime, "said Christer Magnusson, police detective at the Karlstad Police Department.

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Jenny Sundqvist is head of the Karlstad City Health Center. She notes that "it's an extremely regrettable accident" with an "extremely sad result."

"Thoughts for the Family"

– My biggest and warmest thoughts are with the family, she says.

Jenny Sundqvist explains The excursion was preceded by careful preparation.

– We organize this activity every year. We have chosen the accompanying staff and we are looking at which clients can participate in such a context. We had a great activity and this accident comes to an end, she says.

The municipality did a lesson to Sarah and will also send the case to IVO

– We want an external evaluation. Today, I can not comment on the details of the case. I will pass on the responsibility to those who will judge us.

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