Soon, Swedes can collect a new tax – they must all pay – News in Nybro – 24 hours a day


Current radio and television costs are going to Swedish television, Sveriges Radio and Swedish Educational Radio.

There is a charge like that Only households with a home television receiver must pay and the costs are SEK 2400 per year per household.

Today, however, it is believed that the Riksdag will vote through a new law that any person over the age of 18 with a taxable income will have to pay a fee. television, whether you have a television at home or not.

It's already after the New Year, January 1, 2019, that television fees can be removed and that the new law will start to apply instead if the proposal is passed.

"When we pay for public service, we invest in our democracy," said Minister of Democracy and Culture Alice Bah Kuhnke (MP) to SVT at the presentation of the proposal last spring.

The new public service tax is individual and equated with a tax estimated at just over 1,300 SEK per person per year.

The tax will apply to anyone who has reached the age of 18 and has a taxable income of more than 13,600 per month. For those who earn less than this amount, the fees will be reduced.

"This will be a great benefit for low-income people," Kuhnke told SVT in April.

SVT, SR and UR are expected to obtain basically as much money as today if the proposal is adopted.

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