Stable half-year for Platzer |


Rental income in the first half of 2018 increased to SEK 513 million, compared to SEK 497 million for the same period last year.

Management revenues increased slightly to SEK 251 million, compared to SEK 249 million in the first half of 2017

Profit for the first six months amounted to SEK 649 million, compared with SEK 432 million Swedish kroner in the first half of last year.



Earnings per share rose to SEK 5.40 from SEK 3.60 for the same period last year.

The operating surplus rose 3% from SEK 367 million last year to SEK 379 million this year. Platzer has improved its operating surplus in the properties despite the fact that the stock is lower than last year. The property portfolio decreased by 17,000 m² through net sales.

During the first half, the real estate company sold a property, Älvsborg, an underlying property value of 236 million SEK. After the end of the period, Platzer bought two properties in Gårda, Gothenburg, about 22,400 square meters of office space. Sellers were Vasakronan

"Our most important project, Gamlestaden, was completed by our contractor Serneke in July It is fun to say that the project has become a success even though there is still 30 % of vacant space to rent As CEO, I am proud that at Platzer we dared to take risks in an area that was not obvious at first, that our cooperation with Serneke worked well and especially the work that the employees of Platzer and Serneke have done to carry out the project.Now, I look forward to the next step in the development of our other properties in Gamlestaden, on the other side of Säveån ", written by PG Persson in the commentary of the CEO.

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