Stadium, Intersport, Team Sportia and XXL worry about e-commerce


In the quarterly report of Norwegian sports giant XXL, published last week, the group recorded a decline in sales of 6.2%.

Despite the strong growth, the stores could be forced to close, says CEO Ulf Bjerknes to the Norwegian newspaper Nettavisen.

"Now there are shops with yellow lights and if we see a more negative development, it may be necessary to close them," he told the newspaper.

The XXL Swedish subsidiary, XXL Sport and Wilderness, is particularly active in the Swedish sports trade, as well as Intersport, Stadium and Team Sportia.

"We are investing a lot in e-commerce now," said Magnus Wåhlander, Managing Director of Stadium to Di.


Experience a changing customer model

Even the other three sports players have seen sales curves plummet and do not exclude store closures.

"We value our store all the time and it's more current than ever," says Intersport Sweden CEO Marcus Wibergh at Di.

A common problem is that sports stores are experiencing a changing customer base, where more and more people are looking for e-commerce.

Sports channels are trying to follow the digital trend without releasing the strong brands built in physical stores.

"We invest a lot in e-commerce, both in terms of platform and assortment.Our goal is to double the online assortment, but we retain the inspiration and personalized service provided by the stores, "said Magnus Wåhlander, managing director of Stadium to Di.

"We and real estate owners live in two different worlds"

Team Sportia's CEO, Lars Palmgren, is in the same vein and writes in an email to Di:

"All customers are digital today and virtually every visit to the store is caused by a web search to check price, selection and reviews."

The combination of e-commerce and physical stores is presented as a survival strategy for athletes.

Lars Palmgren believes that it is necessary to change the point of view on leases and rents so as not to leave the premises of the store.

"We and real estate owners live in two different worlds," he writes.

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