Start of campaign for influenza vaccination


Posted Tuesday 06 November 2018, 09:22 by Editorial

syringeIt is now possible to vaccinate against seasonal flu through its health center. The novelty of this year is that the vaccine offers a broader protection against the flu.

Influenza is a viral infection that comes back every year and is more common in winter. Because the influenza virus is constantly changing, people in one of the at-risk groups must be vaccinated each year.

"Vaccination is the best protection against the flu and it is recommended to anyone in a risk group," said Gunilla Ockborn, a medical assistant in the Västra Götaland region.

At-risk groups include people with chronic heart disease, people with impaired lung function and people with compromised immune systems, for example, because of medication or high age. These individuals may, if they are affected, require hospital or intensive care and may, in the worst case, die.

The flu virus can infect by coughing or sneezing. The virus can also be transmitted through close contact with a sick person. If you hit your mouth, nose or eyes after taking care of an infected person, you risk being sick. Maintaining good hand hygiene reduces the risk of infection.

New, larger vaccine

Previously, the influenza vaccine contains three strains, two influenza A and one influenza B. The new vaccine contains four strains, two each of strains A and B, which in the long run will produce a better effect.

"There is no guarantee of not catching the flu, but it is positive that there are now four strains in the vaccine.If you have vaccinated and are still sick, you usually have mild symptoms," he said. said Gunilla Ockborn.

Health professionals working with patients in at-risk groups should be offered influenza vaccination and then consider an infection.

"Even if you're a little cold with the flu virus, you can still be contagious, and we in the Infection Council believe that staff working with people at risk of becoming seriously ill should be vaccinated," says Gunilla Ockborn. .

The following risk groups are recommended for vaccination:

  • people over 65
  • pregnant after pregnancy week 16
  • adults and children older than 6 months with the following diseases or conditions:
    • chronic heart disease
    • chronic lung disease, such as COPD or severe asthma
    • other conditions leading to impaired lung function or impaired host potency and secretion (eg, extreme obesity, neuromuscular disease or multifunctional impairment)
    • chronic hepatic or renal failure
    • diabetic sugar
    • conditions involving severe immunodeficiency due to illness or treatment

These groups are more or less heterogeneous and, in some cases, an individual assessment will be necessary if vaccination is to be offered or not.

Where and when can you vaccinate?

You can vaccinate in their health center from 6 November 2018. If you belong to one of the groups above, you pay 100 SEK.

Skaraborg Washbasin Material, Photo Bild & Media

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