State-owned venture capital firms focus on start-ups in Norr- and Västerbotten


  From left to right: Pär Hedberg, Sting, Peder Hasslev, Saminvest, Erik Wijnbladh, Saminvest, Jens Lundsröm, ABI and Jeanette Andersson, Minc.
From left to right: Pär Hedberg, Sting, Peder Hasslev, Saminvest, Erik Wijnbladh, Saminvest, Jens Lundsröm, ABI and Jeanette Andersson, Minc. Photo: Saminvest
Saminvest was chosen to invest in Arctic Ventures, the company Arctic Ventures Company, whose Arctic Business Incubator, ABI, manages and invests directly in the companies with which ABI works.

ABI launched the company's Arctic Ventures this year, with the aim of facilitating the investment of business angels in new innovative export companies in the north of Sweden. Today, 23 angel investors from all over Sweden have received funds in Arctic Ventures, which are now doubled by Saminvest for a total amount of about 9 million Swedish kroner. This allows Arctic Ventures to invest in 20 to 25 companies between 2018 and 2019.

– What Saminvest chooses to do is a tangible proof of our great business angels and innovative companies, comments Jens Lundström, CEO of 39, ABI,

Saminvest comes alongside direct investment in Arctic Ventures to undertake to invest with some angel investors when they make direct investments in portfolio companies under Arctic Ventures.

– Arctic Ventures is a very good company that solves a problem. said Mikael Backgård, chairman of ABI's board of directors

Simultaneously with Saminvest's investment in Arctic Ventures, similar investments are being made in Sting's business angels in Stockholm. Minc in Malmö, who has worked there for a little over a year

– Spring Peder Hasslev, CEO of Saminvest, explains that the financial system strengthens the financial system around the best Swedish incubators and their innovative environments in Sweden

Saminvest aims to offer investment formulas similar to business angels related to other nurseries. For all this business, Saminvest allocates up to 150 million and the capital must be matched with at least as much private capital.

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