Stenstorpsbadet closes for the summer – everyone gets their money back


The leak occurred on Wednesday, June 20th. The bath began to consume large amounts of water. The following night, the water level dropped 40 centimeters in the 25 meter pool

– 160 cubic meters of water had disappeared, an annual consumption in a villa. Said Johan Olsson, a director of the Department of Municipal Real Estate,

immediately discovered deficiencies in the management system. The small teaching pool could be open until it runs normally, and the children's swimming school will continue until the end of July 3.

Then the Stenstorp bath will be closed for the summer

and make sure we find the error. For example, we want to exclude the fact that the pool itself is leaking, says Johan Olsson, and continues:

– When we do an action, we have to know that it's just, so we do not have to return once. Involved, we will decide on the measures to be taken, we will plan for them and we will order the work.

– We do not do it with our own staff, but we hire people. And it's a problem in the middle of summer, says Johan Olsson.

Anyone who has bought a subscription to the Stenstorpsbadet will receive money, says Maria Wallengren, Cultural and Recreation Director

. in Stenstorp. Children who swim for the brand in the big pool will be able to do it in Odenbadet during the summer, says Wallengren

It's about 50 kids

– Once we'll have decided how to fix it, we will contact them.

Since Thursday, when the large pool was closed, staff members were continuously informed of children and parents.

– But it is only now that the message has come that the bath will be closed this summer. I understand if it's frustrating, but we'll solve the problems as well as we can, "says Wallengren. [ad_2]
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