Strong number of Alfa Laval


Order intake in the second quarter was "significantly stronger than expected," writes Tom Erixon, CEO of the report for the second quarter. At the same time, it records lower orders in the third quarter.

The Alfa Laval engineering group reports an adjusted operating profit of 1,698 million Swedish kronor for the second quarter of 2018 and a profit margin of ebita adjusted by 16.2%. Analysts had on average an adjusted Ebita result of 1.611 million SEK and an EBIT margin of 16.5%.

The Group's order intake for the SEK 12.062 million was 18% higher than the average analyst expectation of SEK 10.247 million "Geographically, the second quarter was characterized by a sequential increase in demand on the most of Alfa Laval's end markets, even compared with the previous year, a very good development, with a significant growth of 41%. Europe also showed strong growth with a 19% increase, "writes Tom Erixon.

Operating profit, adjusted ebita, rose 20% during the quarter due to the Billing increase. "The margin was positively affected by an increase in productivity and negative by a decline in the secondary market and currency effects. The work of continuous change within the production structure, the program Footprint, and product launches have contributed to higher costs. "

Alfa Laval expects demand in the third quarter of 2018 to be" slightly lower "than the second quarter.

In the first quarter interim report, April 23, Alfa Laval predicts

Second quarter order intake was "significantly stronger than expected," says Tom Erixon's CEO in the Q2 report. 9659003] in the most profitable division of Alfa Laval Marine experienced organic growth of 68.7% in the second quarter between 2018 and 2017.

Orders received in the division s rise to 4.685 million SEK (2,678), against analysts' expectations of 3,197 million, according to SME Direkt. In the first quarter, the increase in orders was 31%

In the Energy division, with the largest exposure to oil, new orders rose 5.6% in organic, after an organic increase 12.2% in the first quarter. SEK 10,475 million for the period. Here, the consensus forecast of SME Direkt of 9.739 million SEK was available

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