Suburban Train Station Problems Suspended for Ed Sheeran Fans


During Monday, an escalator climbed to Stockholm Station and began to recoil, causing passengers to panic. After the incident, the escalators were the subject of an investigation in the Stockholm and Odenplan subway stations, and SL concluded that the stations needed to be closed for a longer inspection. careful.

READ MORE: Ed Sheeran in an accident – sent to the hospital

For evacuation reasons, commuter train stations should not be opened as long as escalators are not in service

– The current situation We therefore think that the stations should be opened as soon as possible. We'll be back in the next few days, exactly when we'll be busy, "says Mattias Sjöström-Varg, president of SL at SVT News

Ed Sheeran fans can be caught in traffic

More 150,000 road users stations each day, and on Saturdays, even more people can get caught. World star Ed Sheeran performs Saturday night at the Friends Arena in Solna, which means that there is heavy pressure on public transport as more than 50,000 people attend the full concert.

SL takes steps to facilitate the concerts. 19659002] – We examine other measures of reinforcement in the matter of equality. We are studying the possibility of moving traffic and collaborating with other actors such as Arriva at the crossroads, explains Mattias Sjöström-Varg to SVT.

READ MORE: Joy: Ed Sheeran in Sweden

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