Surprising cell structure detection – Life Science Sweden


The structure is a new type of protein complexes that the cell uses to attach itself to its environment and proves to play an important role in cell division. The study is published in the journal Nature Cell Biology.

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The cells of a tissue are surrounded by a network structure called extracellular matrix.

The cell attaches to it with receptor molecules on the surface of the cell. The receptor molecules in turn control the structure of large protein complexes within the cell.

These so-called complex adhesions connects the outside with the inside. They also signal to the cell the appearance of the environment, which affects the properties and behaviors of the cell.

KI researchers have discovered a new type of adhesion complex, with a different molecular composition. The discovery was made in collaboration with British researchers.

"It's very surprising that in 2018, there would be a new cellular structure to discover. The existence of this type of adhesion complex has exceeded us, "said Staffan Strömblad, professor at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition of the Karolinska Institutet, who conducted the study in a press release.

The new adhesion complexes answer an unanswered question: how can the cell remain attached to the matrix during cell division? The prior art binding complexes are resolved by cell division to allow the cell to divide. But then the new guy does not work.

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In the study, the researchers also showed that newly discovered structures control the ability of the daughter cells to spread to the right place after cell division. This memory function was disrupted when the researchers blocked the adhesion complexes.

The research is carried out on human cell lines, with confocal microscopy and mass spectrometry as main techniques. Further research is needed, among other things, to study new adhesion complexes in living organisms.

"We think that they have a lot of others functions as cell division, but it remains to be found, "says Staffan Strömblad.

The researchers called the newly discovered cell structure for lattice adhesions (network) because it has the shape of a band.

Link to the summary

Reticular adhesions are a distinct class of cell-matrix adhesions that mediate attachment during mitosis.

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