Sweden asks the EU to help farmers – will not get money from crisis on the part of the Commission


EU To handle the crisis with Swedish agriculture, the government is asking permission from the EU. The EU could allow the state to help Swedish farmers, but would not give money from the EU crisis fund.

Sweden is going through a very difficult drought. Swedish farmers are now experiencing one of the worst situations for over 25 years, the need to import wheat will increase sharply.

ALSO READ: Panic situation of Swedish farmers – worst harvest over 25 years

During the day, the Minister of Rural Affairs Sven-Erik Bucht (S) met the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Phil Hogan , in Brussels. Bucht had a meeting with the Commission to seek permission to bring government efforts to help Swedish farmers, says Swedish radio.

– We have received very positive signals from the Commission that they are ready to grant exceptions so that, according to Sven-Erik Bucht, of Swedish radio, one can reduce the losses suffered by agriculture because of the drought.

Due to Sweden's accession to the European Union, the government must seek permission before given to Swedish farmers. The Commission should allow Sweden to receive additional advances in its support to agriculture and also to inject additional funds to farmers.

Sweden, on the other hand, will not receive support for the EU crisis fund.

based on several aspects. The EU budget is very tense and it gets even more tense with Brexit, says Sven-Erik Bucht.

READ: The contribution of Sweden to the EU can still be increased – no protest from the government

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